Sunday, 28 July 2013

For the safety of women.


- ini bukan tulisan atau tips dari aku, aku pun dah lupa mana aku dapat benda ni, ternampak kat news feed Facebook kot? So aku copy paste aje dengan niat nak share. Dah lama dalam simpanan, simpan buat sendiri baca pun tak guna ya tak? Aku bukan pompuan, walaupun ramai lelaki yang nak treat aku macam la aku ni pompuan hehe.. aku lelaki sejati yang tahu jaga diri sendiri okay? (insha Allah). Untuk lelaki yang macam itu sila take note, aku sengih-sengih macam kerang busuk, aku senyum-senyum jangan fikir aku bodoh, aku ada taekwon-do, muay thai, blackbelt, jangan bagi aku lastik, jangan bagi aku pegang nunchaku, aku tahu cakar penolak awan dan tendangan tanpa bayang hasil dari membaca komik Pedang Setiawan, siku maut Buakaw yang aku tiru kat Youtube dan beberapa lagi jurus-jurus ganas yang kau orang tak suka nak dengar. 

So, baca la dan share (yang part English tu aje, abaikan apa yang aku merepek dalam bahasa melayu ni termasuk semua hikmat dan jurus-jurus maut aku di atas) para wanita, gadis, adik kakak, makcik, hot mama, semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Hanya dari pencinta wanita untuk wanita muheheh.. Ala laki pun baca la jugak, boleh share dengan orang-orang di sekeliling yang anda sayang dan ambil berat. Tak faham English dan tak ada orang yang boleh tolong terjemah balik? Takpe no problem. Untuk pompuan, meh kat abang meh abang tolong terjemah huhehe. Untuk lelaki...... boleh copy dan paste aje kat google translate, walaupun kadang-kadang dia translate tunggang-terbalik sket, insha Allah masih boleh faham. Akhir kata, selamat bersahur!

1) What should a woman do if she finds herself alone in the company of a strange
male as she prepares to enter a lift in a high-rise apartment late at night?

Experts Say: Enter the lift. If you need to reach the 13th floor, press
all the buttons up to your destination. No one will dare attack you in a lift that stops on every floor.

2) What to do if a stranger tries to attack you when you are alone in your
house, run into the kitchen.

Experts Say: You alone know where the chili powder and turmeric are kept.
And where the knives and plates are. All these can be turned into deadly
weapons. If nothing else, start throwing plates and utensils all over.
Let them break. Scream. Remember that noise is the greatest enemy of a
molester. He does not want to be caught.

3) Taking an Auto or Taxi at Night.

Experts Say: Before getting into an auto at night, note down its registration
number. Then use the mobile to call your family or friend and pass on the
details to them in the language the driver understands .Even if no one
answers your call, pretend you are in a conversation. The driver now knows
someone has his details and he will be in serious trouble if anything goes
wrong. He is now bound to take you home safe and sound. A potential attacker
is now your de facto protector!

4) What if the driver turns into a street he is not supposed to - and you
feel you are entering a danger zone?

Experts Say: Use the handle of your purse or your stole (dupatta) to wrap
around his neck and pull him back. Within seconds, he will feel choked
and helpless. In case you don’t have a purse or stole just pull him back
by his collar. The top button of his shirt would then do the same trick.

5) If you are stalked at night.

Expert Say: enter a shop or a house and explain your predicament.
If it is night and shops are not open, go inside an ATM box. ATM centers
always have security guards. They are also monitored by close circuit television.
Fearing identification, no one will dare attack you.

After all, being mentally alert is the greatest weapon you can ever have.

Please spread it to all those women u care & spread awareness as this is the least we can do for a social and moral cause and for the safety of women.

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